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Looking for information about blood vascularization and how to improve veins.

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by IvanA, Jun 14, 2020.

  1. IvanA

    IvanA Active Member

    Apr 30, 2020
    I have been reading about the functioning of the blood circulation, when it malfunctions and especially when the veins weaken, liquids accumulate. This usually happens in the legs and produces varicose veins; But I can't find information about the possibility that it affects the inner ear, nor what can be taken and done to correct it.

    Specifically, I find information on how to strengthen the arteries, but not the veins. The main problem with veins is that they have valves that, when they work normally, open to allow blood flow in the correct direction, and close to prevent it from going back; When these valves weaken, they close poorly and the blood is retained causing retention of toxins and fluids. Specifically in the capillary areas where arteries and veins meet is where this problem can most affect (and the inner ear is full of capillaries).

    More or less this is how it works, but as I say I can not find information on how to get healthy and strong veins to see if the inner ear problem can improve as well since the only thing known about Meniere is that "something" causes retention of liquid. The tips I find are typical for varicose veins and tired legs:
    -Drink more than 2 liters of water a day.
    -Leave sodium, increase potassium.
    -Do mild aerobic exercise for 1-2h or more.
    -Avoid static and sedentary positions.
    -Alternates in the shower hot and cold water ending in cold water.

    But as I say it is for the legs, I don't know if it will work for the ear; Apart from these tips, the ideal would be to find an infusion, supplement or medicine that really strengthens the veins to see if it improves or not Meniere's symptoms.

    If anyone finds a clinical trial or article in this regard, please share it.
  2. Nathan

    Nathan Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    Subsurface ocean, Europa
    John may be of great assistance to you when regarding this inquiry. If he doesn't respond to this thread, be sure to send him a PM. His profile can be found here.

    The tips mentioned will improve circulation throughout the entire body. They aren't exclusive to the circulation of the legs.

    I'm ignorant of any studies on this subject. I do know however that a branch of tinnitus is caused by poor circulation. If I remember correctly, & in addition to the tips listed above, Ginkgo biloba is said to improve circulation. It is however no substitute for regular exercise.

    On a side, you've mentioned in the past that your english is bad. It isn't. It's quite good. Keep practising.
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  3. IvanA

    IvanA Active Member

    Apr 30, 2020

    Hello, thanks for answering. About my English, I use google translate and then I check the text in English a bit because I understand it better when I read it, but I have a harder time writing it, especially the verb tenses. :D

    About the circulation, thank you very much. I am trying to follow those tips and I am taking ginkgo already. I have also read that infusions of horsetail would help the veins, the problem is that I think they refer to helping the blood to be more liquid; but the interesting thing would be something that reinforces the walls and valves of the veins. I find it very strange that if you are looking for how to strengthen and clean arteries, infusions, diets and medicines do appear; but not for veins.

    About exercise, totally in accordance with what you have said. When I had my vertigo attack the subsequent dizziness practically prevented me from moving, after two months I dared to walk an hour a day around my farm; but until today I had not dared to run; Today I went for a walk in the woods near my house and on the way back I took the run test, it only took a few minutes; but it was not unpleasant, and my head bothered me as well as being still. And it may have been a coincidence, but after coming home, showering and resting my ear, it was a little uncovered after several days of bothering.

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