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Meclizine ?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Karenplus8, May 14, 2014.

  1. Karenplus8

    Karenplus8 Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    Is there anything I should I know about this drug?

    I have been consistently dizzy for over a month not vertigo but bouts of dizziness. Where I will walk and have to stop and stand perfectly still or I will fall. I even have been using a walking stick. I called my Doctor yesterday after I fell down my steps :eek: and told her I need something I can't take this dizziness anymore. So far I am in love with it.
  2. Vicki

    Vicki Guest

    Oh my! I hope you were not hurt. I find meclizine helps me with dizziness but not vertigo. And when I would get a sinus infection of Labyrinthitis I would take it and it helped me quite a bit.

    Have you looked into try antivirals or JOH? Some of us including myself have gotten great symptom relief from it, but not everyone does unfortunately, but may be worth a try.
  3. kstanley12

    kstanley12 New Member

    May 14, 2014
    I have been taking Meclizine for about 6 years now. I only use it when I feel really bad. I have been taking a supplement called Lipo-Flavonoid and it helps with the tinnitus(ringing in the ears) and it seems to have helped with my dizziness also. Hope all goes well.
    Ken Stanley
  4. Karenplus8

    Karenplus8 Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    I tend to fall to the right so the right side of my body is sore and swollen but other then that I am okay. I am lucky in the fact that I have only had five vertigo attacks but I am consistently dizzy almost all the time. :(

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