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My Neurologist just refered me to an ENT for Meniere's

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by lgswayne, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. lgswayne

    lgswayne New Member

    Jul 29, 2014
    I have basilar migraines, and see a neurologist regularly. Based on new sypmtoms that have popped up within the last six months (tinnitus, pressure in ears, vertigo spells different from my regular migraine attacks, and not hearing as well as I used to), he's sending me to an ENT to be examined for Meniere's Disease.

    What should I expect or ask while at the ENT? Obviously I need to find out if this is truly what I'm dealing with, but if it is what else do I need to know? What tests are normally run to determine a diagnosis? And any other advice would be welcome. I'm pretty accustom to feeling out of control in my my own body due to the type of migraine that I have, however this has taken it to a whole new level.

  2. nicmger

    nicmger Member

    May 12, 2014
    Typically testing would include: vestibular/ENG tests and MRI. Those tests are done to rule out any other cause. To my understanding there is not a test that can say you have Meniere's only tests to rule out everything else.

    Good luck

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