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Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by MandFsMamma, May 14, 2014.

  1. MandFsMamma

    MandFsMamma New Member

    May 14, 2014
    SO I was in the midst of writing out my story, and managed to close the window out. So short story, I do not have an official diagnose's yet. After speaking with a friend of my husbands, who has this, our symptoms are similar and this actually makes the most sense. I had an ENG done yesterday, which showed that my hearing is great (even though in crowded situations, I really have to concentrate) and the caloric test came back normal (even though I feel super dizzy today, and felt nausea driving to work today). I attempted to have an MRI done, and I did not realize that I would have to have something covering my face during it, and even though it was an open MRI I freaked out, so I am going to try again with an oral sedative, and if that doesn't work... I guess they'll have to knock me out for it. If nothing show's on the MRI, what is typically the next step?

    7 years ago, I had this same situation happen, where drs were swearing that I didn't have an infection, couldn't give me a good reason for the fluid coming out of my ears when coughing, and the vertigo...besides I kept contracting different viruses (for an entire summer, and no one thought to run blood work at my colleges health center). My childhood PCP, finally prescribed a very strong antibiotic (like the strongest I could pick up at the pharmcy, and it was very expensive without insurance) and everything cleared up.

    I'm at a loss, this time around, I have 2 kids, a husband, and a full time job to contend with, I can't afford to be down the whole summer, and when I describe my symptoms, and there is no infection, I feel like I'm crazy. My current PCP is less than helpful with this ( probably will be finding a new one). Thankfully I don't need a referral for an ENT appt. But, I did left the ENG's office in tears yesterday because the ENG came back fine. I'm frustrated, I do have a history of TMJD, but vertigo is not associated with TMJD, which is why I am not going to an ENT. Sorry this is all disjointed, Im exhausted, dizzy, and at work.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this!
  2. June-

    June- Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    Welcome MandFsmama! I dont have the answer though I think others may have some good suggestions.
  3. Vicki

    Vicki Guest

    Welcome MandFsMamma and sorry to hear of your troubles. Dizziness is frightening. Even though your tests so far came back negative I would suggest seeing an ENT, there are other things besides MM (if it is not MM) that could make you dizzy or see an Neurotologist ( physicians who specialize in the care of chronic ear disease, hearing loss, dizziness, tinnitus, and facial nerve disorders). If it is something to do with your middle or inner ear they might be able to find out what it is. Seeing a specialist is a bit better than a PCP in this situation IMO
  4. nwspin

    nwspin Guest

    I echoe Vicki' s statement. Make sure you see a NeurOTOlogist.
  5. nicmger

    nicmger Member

    May 12, 2014
    When you say you felt dizzy do you mean off balance or you had the room suddenly start spinning around? The two are different.

    When you are off-balance and nauseated have you tried meclizine? it is available over-the-counter and it could help. When I was just "off balance" it has helped; when I have had full vertigo it did not help me.

    Please also know that there are no tests that can say that you "have" Meniere's, only tests that can rule out any other cause.

    Do you have any sinus issues? For me my sinus problems can definitely trigger my attacks. And while I am not allergic to anything, my body sometimes reacts as if I am. If you have any sinus issues, for me nasal sprays have helped.

    there is also full vestibular testing that can be done to rule out other causes.

    Good luck

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