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New to this forum, looking for some feedback

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by DRySor, Mar 15, 2021.

  1. DRySor

    DRySor New Member

    Mar 15, 2021
    Hi, I am new to this forum but have had Meniere's symptoms for sometime now (approx. 7 years). It started with tinnitus in one ear, then both, then vertigo, then aural fullness, then hyperacusis, then pulsing. I am 33 years old and have mild hearing loss in one ear.

    Foods that really aggravate it for me are caffeine, alcohol and refined carbs. If I say away from these I can keep my symptoms to mostly tinnitus.

    I have decided to start taking Lysine (been about a week now) and got a prescription for antivirals today. I would love to see some feedback if this helped you or didn't help you. Time frames for improvement, etc. I know it does not work for everyone, but if you have tried this which I know lots have, I would love to here your story and maybe even some tips. Thanks!
  2. Pa Cowboy

    Pa Cowboy Member

    Mar 17, 2019
    I've had excellent results with antivirals combined with the JOH regime. Added the AV about 2 years after starting with the JOH, took about 6 months for the vertigo to disappear.
    I too quit coffee and alcohol along with an improved diet. Right now I'm sticking with all the above and don't plan to change anything. Been vertigo free for 1&1/2 years now.
  3. DRySor

    DRySor New Member

    Mar 15, 2021
    Did you have tinnitus?
  4. Pa Cowboy

    Pa Cowboy Member

    Mar 17, 2019
    Yes, I had it all. Would get raging tinnitus and vertigo that lasted 12-14 hours, this would happen every 7-10 days and I spent many hours pushing the puke bucket across the floor as I crawled to the bathroom.
  5. DRySor

    DRySor New Member

    Mar 15, 2021
    Nice to talk to someone that has something in common. lol.

    Do you still have tinnitus or is it gone now?
  6. Pa Cowboy

    Pa Cowboy Member

    Mar 17, 2019
    Although greatly reduced my tinnitus still lingers. Not sure that ever goes away.
  7. DRySor

    DRySor New Member

    Mar 15, 2021
    Thanks for the replies.
  8. Aaron

    Aaron New Member

    Aug 9, 2019
    My story is very similar to Pa Cowboy. Took JOH for a little over a year before starting on Valacyclovir in late October. Vertigo is nearly wiped out since starting AV — still get a tiny bit dizzy feeling if I am not drinking enough water.

    Still have some hearing loss , tinnitus and aural fullness. It fluctuates but is much less since starting AV. Plan on getting back on JOH as I’ve tapered off to see if the AV was doing anything (which it is!). I think JOH helps with some of the inflammation and other problems that Menieres has brought to my ear.

    I am extremely happy I started AV. Highly recommend.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2021
  9. DRySor

    DRySor New Member

    Mar 15, 2021
    What kind of diet do you follow? And why?
  10. DRySor

    DRySor New Member

    Mar 15, 2021
    What kind of diet do you follow and why?
  11. IvanNew

    IvanNew Active Member

    Jan 18, 2021
    There is no one diet to meniere that works for everyone equally. Every person seems to react badly to some things and not to others. I personally started by stopping eating and drinking EVERYTHING they said could be bad for meniere. The problem is that as I was reading I found a comment or study that said that practically anything I wanted to eat could be bad, I even found two contradictory studies where one said that drinking little water could help Meniere and another that said drinking a lot water helped.

    My advice is that you leave what is obviously bad for your health regardless of whether or not it really affects Meniere (tobacco, alcohol, processed products in large quantities, etc.) if it helps Meniere perfectly and if it does not help, at least you will gain in general health And that will give you a little more energy to deal with Meniere's tough periods.

    My second advice and how I did it to know what things I should stop eating and drinking for my Meniere was not to stop taking them for months and see what happened. It was the opposite, when I had severe dizziness I would go to the kitchen and make myself coffee and drink it, or eat something with a lot of salt, or drink chocolate, etc. In this way, I found that when I was at my worst due to this disease, it was not really worse by taking the so-called "foods" that should make me feel worse. In this way I verified that neither the salt, nor the chocolate, nor anything in general causes me to Meniere.

    By the way, pulsatile tinnitus is not Meniere, I also had it, it is the result of stress or anxiety. It's probably because having Meniere made your nerves very bad and caused you pulsatile tinnitus, I suffered it a lot the first few months, especially when I went to bed to want to sleep. The good thing is that pulsatil has a "cure" you just have to relax and otherwise you can take anxiolytics.
  12. Biffer

    Biffer Member

    Aug 6, 2020
    One thing I have learned from this forum is that no one formula will be the cure... I have had meniers for around 20 years but didn't get the bad vertigo until last summer. Until then it was just the fullness and deafness in my left ear coming and going. Sometimes I would lose all hearing. When the severe veritgo hit I figured I was done for. Nothing like veritgo and the sickness to make you think it was all over. I lost my job for a while (my pilots licence permanently) and had to drive with a puke bucket and a note to hand the police to let them know I was not drunk as I was pulled over to the side puking my guts out and unable to move. Since last August I have been vertigo free although the dizziness remains. Sometimes it's so bad I just feel stoned. Strangely I have just learned to get used to it (I knew all those drug years as a kid would pay off). I do my best to avoid sudden moves of my head when it gets bad. I have been taking Lysine and other JOH stuff as well as a diuretic and a chinese herbal combination for vertigo. I think the ginger, the diuretic and the chinese herbs do the best in holding off the vertigo and dizziness. The ear fullness and deafness has been held to a minimum (My left ear's "normal" is pretty deaf after 20 years of on and off fullness) although this summer will be the real test as it always seems to get worse with the heat. Stress and too much alcohol are also two of my triggers. I'm going to get an allergy test this spring as I think that may be making it worse as well. As far as the tinnitus goes... I just figure that is the price I pay for the hearing loss. For me it's permanent and I just live with it.
  13. DRySor

    DRySor New Member

    Mar 15, 2021
    Did you try antivirals?
  14. Biffer

    Biffer Member

    Aug 6, 2020
    No, that's one thing I have not tried. I would like to know if they help you.
  15. DRySor

    DRySor New Member

    Mar 15, 2021
    I will update in a couple months.
  16. Jesus

    Jesus New Member

    Mar 31, 2021
    Oviedo, Spain
    Hi! I discovered today this forum searching information about antiviral treatments. I'm from Spain and I'm 37 years old.

    I have herpes since I was a little boy (it usually shows up in my lips) and ear fullness and mild hearing loss since I was 16.
    Like 5 years ago I started with vertigo and hard tinnitus and I was diagnosed with Meniere desease. My hearing loss on my right ear started to be severe.
    Currently I'm taking 24mg x2 of SERC daily and it improved vertigo attacks (they almost dissapeared) but the hearing and tinnitus problems are massive, so I was shocked when yesterday I found that all of these problems may be related with my herpes simplex problem!!

    Thank you all for the useful information you provide in this forum. I'll keep reading to get all this knowledge.:)
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