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Please advise on Vestibular Migraine

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by beeinformed, Jul 26, 2020.

  1. beeinformed

    beeinformed New Member

    Apr 14, 2016
    Hello Everyone,

    I am writing on behalf of my mother (who is 95 years young) and she was diagnosed with vestibular migraine. She takes magnesium malate (a total of a total of 400 mg a day) and it riboflavin-vitamin B (a total of 200 mg a day). She also took (as recommended) a 60 mg of Coq10 CoEnzyme capsule daily but it gave her very low blood pressure and she got really dizzy so she stopped taking it (my mother’s Blood Pressure is generally between 60/120-65/125).

    My mother generally tolerates the magnesium malate and the riboflavin supplement but feels a little dizzy after taking it and then it goes away.

    Does the magnesium malate which is supposed to help with the dizziness make you feel initially a little bit more dizzy and then it gradually decreases? Approximately how long does it take before it starts to decrease the dizziness?

    I appreciate any and all advice! Thank You!
  2. IvanA

    IvanA Active Member

    Apr 30, 2020
    Medicines and supplements usually carry a paper where they indicate possible side effects. Have you looked there?

    On the other hand, two things often happen:
    -What we drink produces slight dizziness, nausea or headaches that go away in a few weeks as we get used to it.

    -What we take takes weeks or months to take full effect, during that time we continue to have dizziness, headaches, etc. They go away when the medicine or supplement manages to make a good effect.

    The latter was what happened to me with betahistine, it took more than two months to make a good effect and during those two months I believed that it caused me headaches, when in fact the headaches would come from the dizziness that I still had and everything was alleviated when betahistine started to show.
  3. IvanA

    IvanA Active Member

    Apr 30, 2020
    delete for mistake
  4. beeinformed

    beeinformed New Member

    Apr 14, 2016
    Thank you for your quick response! I forgot to add that one days ago, after my mom took her two supplements, she felt less dizzy but today when she took them she felt a little bit more dizzy. Could it be that’s a sign that the magnesium supplement is working?
  5. IvanA

    IvanA Active Member

    Apr 30, 2020
    The only way to know is to continue taking it for several weeks, it is too early to draw conclusions. As long as they are mild dizziness that I tried to endure taking the supplement, it took me months to take betahistine, but now if I stop taking it at 48h I have medium-strong dizziness again. I imagine that if I continued without taking it any longer, severe dizziness or vertigo would return.

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