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Vestibular rehab: Is it working for anybody?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by rondrums51, Jan 18, 2021.

  1. rondrums51

    rondrums51 Diagnosed 2004, went bilateral 2013

    May 12, 2014
    Southwest Florida coast
    Hi, all. I've been off the forum for a long time, but I'm back with some questions.
    I've had this disease with all of its misery for 17 years. My worst symptoms have been chronic daily dizziness, ear fullness, screaming high pitched tinnitus, brain zaps, and severe malaise. I've had horrible long vertigo attack and several smaller ones. Hearing loss, too. I went bilateral 7-8 years ago.
    Looking back, I have no idea how I managed to keep working, be married, take care of my house, etc., but I somehow did it.
    The one thing I never had was bad imbalance. A few episodes here and there, nothing major. But two months ago, I started slipping and falling. All of a sudden, my balance is shot to hell. It feels like I'm walking on ice. My feet just fly out from under me.
    I went through another round of testing--VNG, ECog, caloric, etc., and the outcome was real bad. The doc told me I'd have to do vestibular rehab for the rest of my life. I started the rehab exercises about a month ago, but they have not helped. Today, I have slipped four times. Thankfully, I was hanging on to my walker, so I didn't fall on my ass. But it's still scary.
    My question is, has vestibular rehab helped any of you? Did you regain your balance? How long did it take?
    Thanks, bless all,
  2. IvanNew

    IvanNew Active Member

    Jan 18, 2021
    It worked for me, it is best to do rehabilitation at least twice a day. It is normal to feel dizzy when doing it, in fact you must locate which exercises make you dizzy more and repeat them.

    It took me two or three months to notice improvement.
  3. SurferGirl

    SurferGirl Member

    Nov 7, 2020
    It did help me but I didn't keep it up. Now I am returning next week for a second go round. I agree with IvanNew....definitely dizzy, off balance when doing the exercises but your brain is learning to compensate and adjust. It's an ongoing thing. I have opted for surgery should I have another severe vertigo/meniere's attack so ENT stressed the importance of starting vestibular rehab now in preparation. If you don't feel you are getting any improvement, perhaps you should seek out a different PT. Good luck...and best wishes.
  4. Marta

    Marta Active Member

    Jan 26, 2016
    It did help me. I was very consistent in doing the exercises twice a day. From what I remember after 2 weeks I could see the first results. After a month I was ‘fixed’
  5. rondrums51

    rondrums51 Diagnosed 2004, went bilateral 2013

    May 12, 2014
    Southwest Florida coast
    Good for you. I just had the balance testing a couple of days ago. I flunked big time. It was torture, standing in that booth with the walls and floor moving all over the place. The doc told me I'd be doing vestibular rehab for life. I told him I'd love to get rid of this walker. He said, "Let's hope so." So I'm doing the exercises religiously!
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  6. Mark55

    Mark55 Active Member

    Feb 23, 2020
    Washoe Valley, Nevada
    I went to Vestibular physical therapy for close to 3 months. I truly believe that my faith and trust in God, and hard work has made a huge difference. Upon completion of therapy, I continued on my own at home. I purchased a Bosu ball which I stand and balance on while doing the exercises. Retraining the brain with this therapy has helped me big time. A good Therapist is a plus. Mine emailed me a ton of different exercises to work on after therapy. Side note: everyone is different and utilizing a physical therapist is the safe way to begin. Good luck and God bless!
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