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Video that talks about how to fix the Meniere.

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by IvanA, Aug 1, 2020.

  1. IvanA

    IvanA Active Member

    Apr 30, 2020
    As many of you know, I don't speak English and I use google to write here. I have found this video that by the title I suppose deals with some keys about Meniere that may be interesting. If anyone can spend an hour of their time looking at it and summarizing the most important text or tips or techniques to use for the Meniere, I would appreciate it. That assuming there is something useful in the video.

  2. Brother_of_Nool

    Brother_of_Nool Member

    May 24, 2019
    New York
    Thanks for this. I watched half the video, so I might not have all the details. Short answer: has something to do with diabetes / blood sugar / insulin. Do a low carb diet.

    I've been worried about diabetes, but my tests never show any sign of it. I've abused sugar horribly over the years, and I have felt that that it was a possible cause of my Ménière's. I've reduced my sugar / starch intake, and I feel that there has been a slight positive change - but I need to go further. I had completely eliminated sugar for a month, but didn't see any improvement. I've been eating sugar again and my plan was to eliminate it once my cupboard emptied out. I think I'll try low carb. My diet has been headed in that direction anyway
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  3. Mindosa

    Mindosa Member

    Jun 8, 2020
    In this video doctor is talking that insulin abnormalities, insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels may cause inner ear disorder.

    Inner ear demands for blood sugar are three times that of an equivalent volume of brain. Consequently, when the ears not working normally and you have changes going on in blood sugars that could affect what’s called endolymphatic potential.

    Endolymphatic potential is the positive voltage of 80-100mV seen in the cochlear endolymphatic spaces. When a sound is presented, the endocochlear potential changes either positive or negative in the endolymph, depending on the stimulus.

    So, low carbohydrate diet may help managing inner ear disorders symptoms, also migraines and headaches, but it could take from half a year to 1 or even 2 years to take an effect.

    He is also talking that many diseases could be connected to insulin abnormalities, insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels, not only inner ear disorders and migraines.

    So, now I am making some connections and I want to add from myself, maybe Metformin would be the great deal to help with this problem, because it lowers your blood sugar levels by improving the way your body handles insulin. Also Metformin is now in research and waiting for approval not only treating diabetes, but various others diseases and even aging, that could be the core problem of all diseases in the middle age.

    You can find more about Metformin in my other post here:

    My experience with fasting only on water

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