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Vitamin B12 May Help with Tinnitus

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by John of Ohio, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. Chriss

    Chriss New Member

    Jan 3, 2019
    Hello John,

    I wrote you a post, newbie, can't find it.

    Love your research and knowledge of products. I want to give you more knowledge, I found the root cause of my meniere's disease. It has to do with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and iron and copper dysfunction. This can be found on a facebook group call The Magnesium Advocacy Group and they also have a new website About - The Root Cause Protocol. I would love you to read Morley Robbins research on the cause of most disease.

    My success was getting the recommended test from his group and realizing that my iron and copper was extremely high. I was always anemic and was told to take iron which I did. The doctors only check your ferritin and not a full panel that show storage iron etc. I was told that you need copper to get iron in your blood. Copper binds to iron so it can work in your body. Unfortunately, I have unbound iron and copper in my body that caused havoc (Meniere's disease). Started eating beef liver, which has the correct ratio of copper and iron. Ceruloplasmin stores and carries the mineral copper around your body. Ceruloplasmin carries 65% to 90% of the copper found in blood. This is part of my success, but also eating whole food minerals, vitamins and enzymes to get my ceruloplasmin balanced. And Beef Liver has high B12. This is the key to optimal health.

    This research that Morley Robbins has given out free has changed my life. Last year, I tried to get disability and was turned down. Pretty amazing but at the same time I got a no. I was feeling much better and was happy to have my health instead of disability. I had extreme drop outs, pressure in my ears, tinnitus, nausea, on the bathfloor for hours, spinning so badly that I couldn't get up. This cause depression. Now I am back at work and working on getting my iron and copper balanced. I am so close to having optimal health.

    Please check out Morley Robbins research. Your research and his, will save many people from the medical procedures. The Root Cause Protocol will give you even more research on B12.

    Love hearing from you after your have done some research on his articles. It has taken me about six months to completely comprehend wonderful research that Morley Robbins has done.

    I know that you will grasp his knowledge faster know myiself. Praying this is the connection for all Meniere's cases.

    Happy New Year! Chris
  2. AttheBeach

    AttheBeach New Member

    Jan 5, 2019
    I started B12 about a year or so ago... I have not noticed a difference but perhaps, since I am older, I should up the dosage a little... I will speak with my doc on Monday. Thanks for that tip!
  3. Diane Margret

    Diane Margret New Member

    Mar 29, 2020
    I noticed that when I ate liver and onions I felt better. It seemed to work at some level most times but I was careful not to eat too often because I have slightly high colesterol. Its not have as much as an effect lately. I have just been reading about high copper levels and it suddenly dawned on me that I have been using a copper coated frypan. I just wish I could remember when I bought it, if it was before I had symptoms. Anyway I think i will replace it.

    I thought maybe i was crazy about the eating liver connection. This is the first time i feel vindicated.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Nathan

    Nathan Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    Subsurface ocean, Europa
    • Funny Funny x 2
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