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What Positive Impact Has MM/MAV Had On Your Life?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Lulu, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. Lulu

    Lulu Member

    May 12, 2014
    I know it can be very difficult to find anything positive from a chronic illness that has such a devastating impact on our lives. We are all at different stages and suffer from varying degrees of symptoms with our disease (and have daily struggles as a result of it) but I truly believe that something good can come from our suffering. It could be something huge or it could be something very subtle…..but it’s there.

    Probably the most significant one for me is that I’ve realized I’m much tougher than I ever thought I could be. Even though I still suffer from active rotational vertigo, tinnitus, fluctuating hearing loss etc., I’m able to do things for myself now that I never would have thought possible when I was first diagnosed 16 years ago. Very rarely do I need to ask my family for help but I’m blessed to have a family who will come running when I do need a little assistance. I used to take my health for granted prior to MM but I certainly don't anymore.

    And I’ve made some very good friends (and been fortunate enough to have met many of them in person) :) who are also fellow sufferers that I never would have met if I didn’t have MM. They’ve been, and still are, a very positive influence in my life and I don’t think I could have made it this far without their love and support.

    Wishing you all a wonderful, spin-free day.
  2. Bella

    Bella Member

    Jul 16, 2014
    I'm not sure why there's 2 threads on the exact same topic?

    There's nothing positive about Meniere's, I wouldn't wish it upon anyone.
  3. Lulu

    Lulu Member

    May 12, 2014
    I wouldn’t wish MM on anyone either Bella but I really do believe that something positive can come from every negative situation. It may be that we now have a greater appreciation for the good days when we’re feeling a little better, or we’ve somehow managed to keep our sense humor through all the pain and heartbreak we’ve had to endure or that we’ve become much more compassionate and caring towards others who may be suffering as well.

    Living with MM has been the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to go through but it’s also taught me a lot about myself as I’m sure it has many others here as well. It’s about finding a little bit of hope and looking for the positives on those very dark days that can help to keep us (and myself) from becoming overwhelmed by it all.
  4. nicmger

    nicmger Member

    May 12, 2014
    While I would agree that I wouldn't wish this on anyone...I also have learned to truly focus on the smallest of things and be thankful for it. I don't take things for granted - "simply" things like not going dizzy...I am thankful for. I believe it has also make me accept that there are things out of my control and that sometimes I do in fact need to ask someone for help. (Like driving me home when I go dizzy at work.) Wouldn't say I am happy about that but I think the reminder that people are good and willing to help means something positive - means that I don't always have to bear the entire world on my shoulders.
  5. Lulu

    Lulu Member

    May 12, 2014
    I really like your post nicmger. Being able to focus on the smallest of things and being thankful for it and not taking things for granted.....very well said. There's a lot to be said for being appreciative of and grateful for the small things in life.

    I'm so glad to hear you have people in your life who are willing to help you when you need them. Trying to keep our independence is very important but having people you know you can count on when you're not feeling well and need a little help can be very comforting.
  6. June-

    June- Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    I got to see and, surprisingly enough, like Los Angeles.
  7. mjpmin

    mjpmin New Member

    May 12, 2014
    The positive is I now know what has been causing me issues for the last 30 years. It was only until I started loosing my hearing was I diagnosed with MM. I'm fortunate so far in that I don't suffer from major vertigo attacks. I am bilateral and have 40% hearing loss in both ears. I have tinnitus like most and changes in barometric pressure effects me. I'm working on the depression that sometimes goes along with chronic disease. If I can get the depression under control and MM symptoms stay the way they currently are, I'll be a happy camper.
  8. nicmger

    nicmger Member

    May 12, 2014
    Yes what I have found is that when I "have" to ask for help - everyone gladly helps; and even offers more help than I ask for. It is clear that I have always been so focused on being independent that I "blinded" myself to the fact that there is nothing wrong with needing someone's help sometimes.

    I should have also added that when I finally started focusing and being thankful for every small thing, my overall MM has improved in terms of the number and frequency of attacks. Since stress is a major trigger (for me) it makes a lot of sense that acceptance and positive focus can only bring better things to us. (And focusing on the negatative really doesn't change anything; almost compounds the bad.)
  9. jaypr

    jaypr Member

    May 12, 2014
    liverpool uk
    Despite suffering for four years, all the vertigo, vomiting, total hearing loss in one ear and losing alot of time to mav/menieres my positives are I'm fine now, and I have much more empathy with people who are struggling with their health or other life issues.
  10. deadeye

    deadeye Member

    May 12, 2014
    nothing positive to report here
  11. Intrepid

    Intrepid Be original

    May 17, 2014
    Absolutely true for me as well.
  12. Gracie

    Gracie Active Member

    May 13, 2014

    Thank you lulu for sharing . It is very well said.

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