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Wondering if it's not Meniere's

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by PattiD, Feb 21, 2016.

  1. PattiD

    PattiD Member

    Dec 19, 2015
    On another site I read a story about a woman who had Meniere's for 25 years, and long story short she ended up getting a splint for her teeth (TMJ), and she is now symptom free. She lost hearing in one ear, but regained hearing in her other ear. So she is now an advocate to get the word out to get tested. Her brother, as well, was diagnosed with Meniere's and is now symptom free from wearing a splint.

    Hearing their stories I decided to get tested for TMJ. Both my chiropractor and the first dentist (not a regular dentist, a neuromuscular dentist), confirmed that I do have TMJ. I decided to go for a third consult. This consult came back with even more information.

    The expert tmj dentist (I stress not a regular dentist) gave me a 3D cone xray (this is a must as paramanic xray will not show everything.). This 3d xray showed that my condyle on my right side (Meniere's ear) is pushed up and back into my eustachian tube and into my ear. This is not allowing the fluids to flow freely in my eustachian tube. The left side shows the condyle is doing the exact opposite. It is pressing down and forward.

    The specialist recommends a nighttime splint, that he makes by hand at an 8 hour appointment, and does not believe I'll need Phase II (braces). I'm putting this out there so that you too can possibly be tested (by a specialized dentist) and possibly get help with your symptoms. There are a lot of people, on the site that the woman started on Facebook, who is finding relief. I am causiously optimistic that I wil find the same relief.
  2. scott tom

    scott tom Active Member

    May 14, 2015
    Meniere's is a cluster of symptoms. It's probably caused by many things, TMJ being included in that list. It's certainly worth looking into.
  3. Lisa

    Lisa Member

    Mar 21, 2015
    I know I have tmj it's obvious when I
    Yawn or even get dental work. My jaw shifts
    To the left. Would you say a splint could
    Be helpful without getting all the X-rays? Is a splint
    Like a mouth guard ? Happy you found your
    Answer for mm symptoms
  4. PattiD

    PattiD Member

    Dec 19, 2015
    I cannot stress enough to go to a competent GNM or Neuromuscular dentist. A regular dentist will just give you a mouth guard to wear without the proper testing. A mouth guard can make more problems than you had before, and by all means don't go to Walmart and buy a $20 guard. You will move your bite and make things worse. You have to get the xrays, and specifically a 3D cone xray. The other xrays won't show you everything that is going on.

    I haven't found my answer yet. I don't know if this is my answer to treat my MM symptoms, but I do know I have TMJ and it is probably causing a lot of my symptoms. This is an expensive process, but hearing aids are expensive too and so are all the drugs and procedures connected to MM.

    There is a site on Facebook that has lots of questions to ask a dentist and other testimonials. I don't know if I can post that on here. If I can, please someone give me the go ahead.
  5. BayMama

    BayMama Member

    Jul 12, 2014
    I have a TMJ factor in my ear issues. One helpful thing my dentist explained to me is that a jaw muscle gets tight when the shoulder on the opposite side is tight. My bad ear is my left ear. If it is stuffed and I rub my right shoulder, my left ear will often clear.
  6. Lisa

    Lisa Member

    Mar 21, 2015
    Thanks for the info Patty , if my thyroid problem
    Ever resolves and mm symptoms continue
    I will look for a muscular dentist and look into
    It funny bc my left ear is always clicking and stuffed
    And right ear feels blocked in the lower
    Part of the ear but hearing is not affected
    I move my jaw differently to unblock each
    Ear if that's related to tmj or not I don't know.
  7. PattiD

    PattiD Member

    Dec 19, 2015
    Lisa, I also have thyroid problems...I had thyroid cancer 7 years ago. However, I do believe I've had TMJ for several, but I haven't been in pain so never thought much of it. It is worth getting your jaw tested, but I will tell you a panoramic xray will not show you what you need to see. A 3-D xray will, so it's important to go to a dentist who has one of those machines. My dentist now is telling me that he really thinks the crown I had replaced in 2013 is the cause of what is going on with me right now. It just takes one thing to throw off your bite, and BAM. My Meniere's symptoms started in 2014.
  8. Muff

    Muff Member

    Jul 20, 2015
    Hi Patti, - I am throwing everything at this right now including a bottom orthodic appliance. I went to 2 dentists - 1 a neuromuscular dentist and 1 an expert TMJ trained orthodontist. Both confirmed that I have inflammation of my TMJ joint on my meniere's side as the joint is rubbing and not centered. Both dentists wanted to approach it differently and offered very expensive treatment plans. Of course, neither could guarantee whether this would help my meniere's symptoms. Please note, I do not have any pain in my jaw so the TMJ did not bother me. But I do grind my teeth and I figured an orthodic would help with that.
    After much research and reviewing various posts on the Meniere's TMJ facebook group, I decided to go see a holistic dentist. I had planned on seeing her anyway to remove the mercury fillings from my teeth. Long story short, she fitted me for a reasonably priced bottom orthodic to be worn 24/7. After 6-12 months, she expects that the inflammation will be gone and the tissue will have healed where the TMJ joint was rubbing. I then only have to wear it at night. I started this in January. I also started antivirals in November. As of now, my meniere's symptoms seem much better.
    I did go against my golden rule of trying "one" treatment at a time. I tried my best to follow my golden rule over the past 2 years, but I was getting pretty desperate and just threw it all at this crap disease. Also, I am concerned that I am feeling better during my "usual" calmer times of this disease. My past has shown it really gets bad from late April through Summer....allergies? We will see how this summer goes.
    But for now, I'll take the relief that I have been having whether it is a combination or just one thing. Currently, I am on antivirals, wear an orthodic, have monthly upper cervical adjustments, TMJ and muscular massage. I also take a diurectic and stick to a fairly low salt diet. And try to do some yoga and/or mediation daily.
    Good luck!
  9. Muff

    Muff Member

    Jul 20, 2015
    Oh, I did want to mention one more thing that has been a life-saver for me. I still see my vestibular therapist 2X per month. She works with me with my vestibular rehab exercises and "pushes" me to go for the next challenging level. She is awesome.
  10. dolfan

    dolfan Member

    May 20, 2014
    love the name......."Muff"
  11. Muff

    Muff Member

    Jul 20, 2015
    ;D ;D

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