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Wrongly Diagnosed with menieres for 15 years now Vestibular Migraine diagnosed- anyone else happenin

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by Leepy, Nov 16, 2022.

  1. Leepy

    Leepy New Member

    Nov 16, 2022
    Wrongly Diagnosed with menieres for 15 years now Vestibular Migraine diagnosed- anyone else happened too?
  2. Lynne

    Lynne Member

    Oct 18, 2022
    Can you explain in more detail? I’m new to this and have had no diagnosis. It takes months to see specialist. At first, I thought it was VM. Then, because of tinnitus and, hearing problems ear fullness (along with 12 hours of extreme vertigo and vomiting), my internest is guessing it’s MD. thankfully, I was prescribed a nausea pill. I cannot afford to lose more weight.
    look forward to hearing from you.
  3. Donamo

    Donamo Active Member

    May 12, 2014
    This is just my opinion, so please keep that in mind. To me, Meniere's is just a label for a collection of symptoms. Most people don't have all the symptoms, just a subset of the collection. I do think that people get a little carried away with the names. With the symptoms I have, I know it is an inner ear problem. It causes poor hearing (fluctuating), fullness, occasional vertigo, tinnitus. Whether you call it XYZ or ZYX doesn't matter to me. I know what my problems are.

    As an aside, for both of you, I recommend reading "Heal Your Headache" by Bucholz
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  4. AnneT

    AnneT Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2014
    My understanding is that MM and MAV have symptoms in common, but are different diseases. They can present separately, or a person can have both. The main thing, to me, is that they have different treatments.

    It’s important (but can be very difficult) to figure out which one you have, or if you have elements of both.
    I tended to have headaches and vertigo around the same times - both were probably triggered by barometric pressure changes.

    Gentamicin gets rid of my vertigo attacks, but I still get headaches.

    I may need to move onto labyrinthectomy at some point. I wonder if anyone has got a labyrinthectomy, to only continue having vertigo because it was MAV?

    I’m assuming that the balance testing would be normal in MAV, and any hearing loss would not be as profound as in MM.
  5. Lynne

    Lynne Member

    Oct 18, 2022
  6. Lynne

    Lynne Member

    Oct 18, 2022
    Hi, I have not been officially diagnosed for MM or MAV, but I have the symptoms. I’m curious about others. How long do you have an attack? What was your first one like, etc. ?
    Mine came unexpectedly 1 1/2 mos. ago. My MRA/MRI and blood work fas great except low white blood cells and platelets. Appointments for hemo, cardio, neuro, and ent.
    I’m really interested. My attacks lasted 12 hours with head pain, extreme vertigo, vomiting and every few days.
  7. Taximom5

    Taximom5 New Member

    Sep 15, 2015
    I was misdiagnosed with Meniere's -- turned out, I had both B12 deficiency and D deficiency.
    However, my son has been recently diagnosed with vestibular migraines.

    None of the doctors seem to know anything much about vestibular migraines, even though they diagnosed it.

    Like what I've read over and over from people with Meniere's, it understandably triggers a lot of anxiety -- and the anxiety triggers vertigo...

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