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Yoga update, I think I am cured!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by i think i am cured, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. i think i am cured

    i think i am cured New Member

    Dec 3, 2014
    Since my last post I stopped taking Triamterene and went right back in. All the symptoms were back, but I kept at the yoga and started the climb back out. Very much like the first 30 days I had a steady improvement where now at 23 days off the diuretic I am feeling great. The weather here is horrible and for the first time in a year I don't care. I won't go into the side effects of the yoga, but I have to tell you they are all great too!

    I heard someone say they checked out the site I mentioned and it was too hard. You are looking at the wrong yoga instructor if this is the case. Go to youtube, and search Erin Motz yoga challenge. It is very beginner yoga and only 15 minutes per day, I do it in the morning. I also practice the breathing are relaxation several times during the day for a minute just to relax. If I can do it you can too.

    Anyway, I only hope this will help at least one other person like it did me. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!

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