Casual Conversation

Discussion in 'Your Front Porch' started by Intrepid, Nov 7, 2011.

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  1. Wino

    Wino Resident Honey Badger

    Nathan inspired me to change my avatar.
  2. Nathan

    Nathan New Member

    That's so sweet, Wino
  3. Wino

    Wino Resident Honey Badger

    Though I must say I always found it funny that the name of the meme is "dramatic hamster" when the animal in question is quite clearly a prairie dog.
  4. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    It's a prairie vole. Let's be precise now.
  5. Nathan

    Nathan New Member

    Of course its a Prairie Dog *Googles Prairie Dog.
  6. Wino

    Wino Resident Honey Badger

    Are you sure it's not a dickfer?
  7. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Emmett Fitz-Hume: Did you here that?
    Austin Millbarge: Yeah, it's a dickfer.
    Emmett Fitz-Hume: What's a dickfer?
    Austin Millbarge: To pee with
  8. Wino

    Wino Resident Honey Badger

    DAMMIT, you ruined the set-up. You were supposed to just ask what dickfer was :D
  9. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Hahahahaha!!! We're not friends for nothing :D I know where your mind wanders :p
  10. Michael

    Michael New Member

    Columbian Ground Squirrel.

    Just kidding. Rodents are a mystery to me.
  11. JMsScottie1

    JMsScottie1 New Member

    I can think of way more interesting responses than peeing!!!!!!
  12. hollymm

    hollymm Me, 'in' a tree.

    Intelligence - everything comes down to dick jokes.

    What's a dickie-do award?
  13. Gina05

    Gina05 Guest

    A pile of steaming poop? LOL :D
  14. survivedit

    survivedit New Member

    When your stomach sticks out farther than your......
  15. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    :D :D :D :D
  16. Gina05

    Gina05 Guest

  17. Gina05

    Gina05 Guest

    dick-wad? ::)
  18. hollymm

    hollymm Me, 'in' a tree.

    Quite right my friend :D
  19. daBronx

    daBronx New Member

    I'm looking forward to Saturday lunch with my darling daughter.Sadly though I learned she broke up with her boyfriend of just 2 months.I sure wish she would find someone and get married already.I hope she doesn't wind up as an old maid.I think she hides out in her job by working long hours.Forunately she plays tennis Saturday mornings and in the afternoon she's with me.Her old boyfriend Jeff came from a nice family even though he was a Jew,Oops,maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that here.Well the guy was cheap.They would often go out to eat and she would pick up the tab.
  20. Gina05

    Gina05 Guest

    I hope you two have a good time this week-end.

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