Casual Conversation

Discussion in 'Your Front Porch' started by Intrepid, Nov 7, 2011.

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  1. CarolineJ.

    CarolineJ. New Member

    My daughter gets so embarassed when I call them thongs. :D She's like " MUM "
  2. Gustav123

    Gustav123 Life,enjoy it.

    Pretty happy with my doctor right now.

    Yeah, haha, as a kid we wore "thongs" on our feet.

    The weather finally has if if only my head would.

    Mr McDizzy
  3. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    My close friend has a massive crush (if that term is still in vogue!) on a married man. I predict disaster around the bend.
  4. hollymm

    hollymm Me, 'in' a tree.

    Are the feelings mutual? That is cause for a disaster for sure!!
  5. dolfan

    dolfan Active Member

    for sure :eek:
  6. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Seems that way. She's in for a beating. Married people don't usually leave their spouses for flings.
  7. CarolineJ.

    CarolineJ. New Member

    Yep ... that has trouble and pain written all over it. :(
  8. daBronx

    daBronx New Member

    I read on the internet that Rhea Perlman and Danny DeVito are separating after 30 years of marriage.Apparently Rhea found out that Danny was having an affair with a young blond on the set and in his limo.
    Personally I can't see what a young woman would see in Danny Devito.He's short,he's fat,he's old and he's ugly.But of course he is loaded,maybe that's why.
  9. Gustav123

    Gustav123 Life,enjoy it.

  10. redwing1951

    redwing1951 New Member

    Feeling pretty darn good today. 6 days after laby, I have been walking a mile - mile and a half each day, gone grocery shopping. I nap every day and do balance exercises too. My head is starting to feel normal, something I have not felt in a long time. I actually am turning my head to the left and right, up and down, without fear! Things are looking up ;D
  11. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    I am so very happy for you! You have been brave through all of it.
  12. Gustav123

    Gustav123 Life,enjoy it.

    Glad to hear it!
  13. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Brand new day :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  14. Gustav123

    Gustav123 Life,enjoy it.

    Almost hugged my doctor. I may at some point. :)

    If you arent happy with yours, fire them. I waited too long. Im so much happier now.
  15. daBronx

    daBronx New Member

    Last July I joined a gym but these days I no longer go.Maybe it's because I've become too fat,too lazy and too depressed.I do like to walk though,outside like I did yesterday when I walked 10 city blocks.The gym costs me $40 a month.I think I'm going to cancel my membership at the end of November.
  16. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Life is going by so, so fast. I want to slow it down.
  17. shartsoe

    shartsoe New Member

    No kidding. Steve turns 50 in February. Where does the time go?
  18. Gustav123

    Gustav123 Life,enjoy it.

    That was a great weekend. Hello Monday.
  19. Gustav123

    Gustav123 Life,enjoy it.

    Its something about accumulated memories ...and um similar experiences i you can blow out your memory and or start having only new activities??? =)
  20. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    My days go by so fast, my kids are growing up so fast, my family is aging so fast. Things are moving too quickly.

    Where are my damn roses?!?! :D

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