Casual Conversation

Discussion in 'Your Front Porch' started by Intrepid, Nov 7, 2011.

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  1. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Petraeus, Petraeus tsk tsk tsk.
  2. CarolineJ.

    CarolineJ. New Member

    Yep ... couldn't keep it in his pants. :D

    If you're the head of the CIA you would think we would be a little more skilled in keeping things secret :/
  3. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Neither could she.
  4. Gustav123

    Gustav123 Life,enjoy it.

    True. Cushes suck, I ve been there.
  5. Michael

    Michael New Member

    Communication by definition is insecure. It was getting out one way or another. You'd think with that high a profile, he would've left it alone.
  6. redwing1951

    redwing1951 New Member

    I can't believe the amount of correspondence that was done through email!! Email, do you believe it?
  7. Gustav123

    Gustav123 Life,enjoy it.

    I am still amazed to see Windows XP in use at my docs office and many other offices. I actually have it on an old desk top.
  8. Gustav123

    Gustav123 Life,enjoy it.

    I had an MRI with contrast and it came back showing no hydrops. So, I dont have menieres? What do I have? Shit.
  9. abigail48

    abigail48 New Member

    names are names only you have what you have.
    phoned, landline esp for secrets is worse: holograph realmail is safest, most people can't read handwriting any more & I doubt spooks have time to read that sent stuff
  10. June-

    June- New Member

    Gustav, was your mri done specifically to rule in or out hydrops? I have had many mri's with and without contrast and they were not looking for hydrops. I am unaware that an mri can be used as a definitive test for hydrops. I believe the degree of hydrops present can also vary even when one does have hydropic condition. What does your dr say the interpretation should be?
  11. bulldogs

    bulldogs New Member

    I believe the technology is now available in other countries, I am thinking of Japan for some reason as where it was developed but I could be way off base.

    I remember reading about new very high resolution MRI's done in some other country had this capability but was not available here as FDA must clear all new medical equipment.

    I could be wrong, please forgive me if I am, but I do remember reading about this.

    For the record: My MRI was clead as well got diagnosed with hydrops and had a laby.
  12. Gustav123

    Gustav123 Life,enjoy it.

    June, yes it was to specifically determine hydrops. I believe you are correct that there are scales where they can label it as none, mild or noted. Mine came back as none. I did this with my PCP and have yet to discuss it with my OTO. I was doing it in hopes of possibly taking a look at Mr Springs treatment option but with no hydrops there is nothing to treat. I am mystified. I have had all the classic symptoms in the past. I am now in what I assume is a burnout phase. Vertigo doesnt occur. I wonder am I yet another person who thought they had menieres but didnt? According to Mr Spring I belive, I dont.
    I think later I will post this as a thread on the main board. Im curious. thanks
  13. bulldogs

    bulldogs New Member

    Shit, now I wonder if I had mn. My MRI was normal I believe as well.
  14. June-

    June- New Member

    I have had many mri's and never was it intended to determine if i had hydrops. I am unaware that an mri can determine that. The mri's i had were looking for tumors as an alternate explanation for symptoms. I had a ct to rule out sscd. I had an ecog looking for hydrops but never did any doctor tell me that an mri could rule hydrops in or out at all much less definitively.

    Ask your doctor exactly what the mri was intended to see and if it is definitive. Where are you geographically?
  15. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    I'm curious to know how hydrops can be determined by an MRI. What's supposed to show up?
  16. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Did some looking around and apparently an MRI can check for hydrops:
  17. June-

    June- New Member

    Very interesting. I notice the date is 2001. I didnt develop CH til 2007 and have had a boatload of tests including mri's, ct's and ecogs. Never has it been suggested to me that an mri could definitively diagnose hydrops. I was just at the oto yesterday. Shoot. I would have asked him about this. At this point i am confident ch is my problem but for years i didnt buy it. I am curious if this didnt pan out or there ismsome other reason it is not used here for diagnosing hydrops.
  18. Gustav123

    Gustav123 Life,enjoy it.

    Im in Southwest Ohio.
  19. June-

    June- New Member

    I'm very eager to ask my dr about this since it is in use in the US.
  20. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    What will you resolve? The line of treatment is probably the same as you've been doing, unless you decide to buy the SS protocol and try something new.

    You don't experience rotational vertigo so...I dunno, enjoy your life and get out of this place. I think you worry too much about what might happen when it may never happen.

    Don't be mad at me, I say this nicely.

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