Casual Conversation

Discussion in 'Your Front Porch' started by Intrepid, Nov 7, 2011.

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  1. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    No I have not heard of it. I'll look it up.
  2. Wino

    Wino Resident Honey Badger

    Smell my finger.
  3. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    This is what got us into trouble the first time :D
  4. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    1800 pages? It will take me a long time to get through it. It sounds wonderful! Just read a few reviews online.
  5. Wino

    Wino Resident Honey Badger

    Don't be alarmed at the length of the book. I read the Pillars of the Earth and World Without Ebd and both were amazing despite being loooong.
  6. FadedRose

    FadedRose New Member

    The kids rarely steers me wrong. he's got me reading Wolf Hall right now with The Kite Runner on deck.
  7. Wino

    Wino Resident Honey Badger

    I had a love/hate relationship with The Kite Runner. The book was good, but I kept wanting to punch the main character in the throat.
  8. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    I didn't know you liked K. Follett. I'll give Mr. Marigold a try. It does sound good.
  9. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Read the book. Watched the movie. It was very difficult to read and watch. I really liked it though.
  10. Wino

    Wino Resident Honey Badger

    Not sure I like Follett persay (teehee), but I liked those two books.
  11. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Have you started The Millennium Trilogy as yet?
  12. Wino

    Wino Resident Honey Badger

    No, I'm not interested in it.
  13. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    What? I thought you said you bought the books on Sunday!
  14. Wino

    Wino Resident Honey Badger

    Oh shit, that trilogy? I wasn't thinking. Follett has a new book called Fall of Giants and i thought that's what you were talking about.

    No, my wife is reading Dragon Tattoo right now while I finish off that Zafon book I'm reading.
  15. Imnoscientist

    Imnoscientist New Member

    I am reading The Beautiful and the Damned. I haven't read any F Scott Fitzgerald in years and had forgotten how much I love his turn of phrase.
  16. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    I read negative reviews about the Zafon book you are reading but good reviews about the previous one he wrote.
  17. Wino

    Wino Resident Honey Badger

    The problem with Zafon is he peatsthe same themes too much.
  18. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Your fingers aren't typing well on your iPad today :D That typo you made in PM made me laugh so much :p
  19. Michael

    Michael New Member

    I am just about finished with one of the craziest things I have read in a long time. A book called "Kraken" by the British writer China Mieville. I am not sure if this is science fiction or what but Mr Mieville certainly has an imagination and great style. The short plot synopsis is that the apocolypse is put into fast forward by a church that worships the giant squid. Up next is a book on 20th Century classical music called "The Rest is Noise" chomping at the bit for that one.

    Lastly, I have a 15 yr old nephew who starting to get into some trouble. I wrote him and said that I was an angry and frustrated teenager too once and that books were my biggest escape and teachers. I included a copy of Kerouac's "On The Road" and Joyce's "Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man". I hope it helps. If it doesn't I am going to follow up with Kozinski's "The Painted Bird", Gurdjieff's "Meetings with Remarkable Men" and Barth's "The Floating Opera"
  20. Nathan

    Nathan New Member

    15. Tough times. The impromptu introduction of hormones. Like a lovely yet blunt instrument to the logical mind. Excellent book recommendations to your nephew, Michael.

    I think I've been 15 for 15 years. Only I'm no longer in trouble, per se, rather I'm now simply troubled. Revolving helplessly around trouble's core, yet distant enough to avoid it's actual mass & a nasty collision

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