Casual Conversation

Discussion in 'Your Front Porch' started by Intrepid, Nov 7, 2011.

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  1. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    You better not be having any sex until you do ;D
  2. CarolineJ.

    CarolineJ. New Member

    Shhhhhhh ;)
  3. abigail48

    abigail48 New Member

    I've been a semi vegetarian for many many years so I eat a lot of stuff that has a good ballance of sodium & potassium naturally
  4. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    I had to quit being a vegetarian because dairy and grains were not good for me. I kept the vegetable part though. We eat lots and lots of those everyday. Was speaking with a lady from China yesterday and she was telling me how easy it is to grow green leafy vegetables. I love those but the organic ones are expensive. She said she has a huge garden and grows all her vegetables.
  5. June-

    June- New Member

    She is right about that. Lettuce and spinach are easy and quick to grow. Much simpler than the coles.
  6. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    She grows Swiss chard (my favorite), collard and mustard greens, kale (my second favorite), and spinach. She said they are so low maintenance and grow fast.

    Then she told me about the wonders of having a Vitamix and juicing these greens with fruits and coconut water rather than sauteing them like I do.

    She's 74 years old and doesn't look a day over 60! Amazing skin, lithe body (she works out every day) and just peaceful in general.
  7. June-

    June- New Member

    I bet she got good genes too. But if you have a little plot they are easy to grow at least up here. They dont want too mUch heat and sun or they bolt. Perhaps they are a winter crop in TX?
  8. CarrieOakey

    CarrieOakey New Member

    Hi Sarita.

  9. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Hi sweetie! So good to hear from you. A catch up is long due. I hope you are good busy.
  10. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    OK the whole story is that her son (she said) is a world renowned plastic surgeon in NYC :D She had some work done on her face BUT there is no work you can do for a healthy body so that's all her effort.
  11. CarrieOakey

    CarrieOakey New Member

    All is good. I have learned that no is a compete sentence. I have eradicated the toxic and found some peace. All the busy is of my choosing. Thought I'd check in here but am starting to remember why I drifted away

    Hope all is well with you

    I love kale!!!
  12. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    All is as well as can be. There is something awesome about saying no to the toxic vampires. I learned that at a young age and saved myself lots of wasted energy.
  13. CarolineJ.

    CarolineJ. New Member

    Nice to see you :)

    Love the part that NO is a complete sentence. Good for you!
  14. Jäger

    Jäger Me and My sweetie 15 years ago :)

    I'm growing a garden this year. There is nothing like fresh vegetables. Fall is the best time of year in Texas to grow the Vegetable that like it cooler. In the summer I grow squash, peppers, tomatos and cucumbers. I think some green leafy will do the heat but I usually grow them in the fall with peas, and broccali.
  15. Michael

    Michael New Member

    Greens are great. Nothing beats good fruit.
  16. June-

    June- New Member

    No contest between fruit and greens in my mind. I just dont see cave men chowing down on greens when there is fruit to be had. Our natural preference must mean something.
  17. Jäger

    Jäger Me and My sweetie 15 years ago :)

    Thats why I have fruit trees, strawberry patch and blue and black berry bushes. I personaly like both greens and fruits.
  18. abigail48

    abigail48 New Member

    gary null had a guest on today explaining that genes are not everything, & he, gary, said that organica have some percentage, I didn't write it down, more nutrients that non, & I remember in the past he explained that for instance non organic grapes have not nearly as much reveritrol because they don't need it
  19. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    I bought some sunchokes for the first time today. Have you eaten them? How did you prepare them?

    Greens, greens, greens for me. I eat some fruit but way more vegetables. Always have.
  20. CarolineJ.

    CarolineJ. New Member

    Sunchokes? I have never heard of them.

    Off to google them :D

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