Casual Conversation

Discussion in 'Your Front Porch' started by Intrepid, Nov 7, 2011.

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  1. FadedRose

    FadedRose New Member

    Hi Caroline,

    In some circles they are called fartichokes.
  2. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    I steamed them and poured a bit of flax seed oil, parsley, salt and pepper. It was good. They have a slightly sweet taste to them but are a low GI food.
  3. June-

    June- New Member

    We used them as a substitue for potatoes if i remember correctly.
  4. Wino

    Wino Resident Honey Badger

    That sounds........dreadful :D
  5. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Given your diet, anything healthy will sound dreadful :p
  6. CarolineJ.

    CarolineJ. New Member

    :D :D
  7. Gustav123

    Gustav123 Life,enjoy it.

    "If people can be educated to see the lowly side of their own natures, it may be hoped that they will also learn to understand and to love their fellow men better. A little less hypocrisy and a little more tolerance towards oneself can only have good results in respect for our neighbor; for we are all too prone to transfer to our fellows the injustice and violence we inflict upon our own natures."
  8. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    That's awesome! Just this morning I read an article on the list of the 12 most pesticide laden fruits and vegetables:
  9. CarolineJ.

    CarolineJ. New Member

    I like this. :)
  10. abigail48

    abigail48 New Member

    gary null said today that apples are the worst for pesticides because so many are used & because their skins are permeable. & he said he would never eat a non-organic watermellon for the same reason
  11. Gustav123

    Gustav123 Life,enjoy it.

    Thats sad about watermelon wow I thought I once had heard melon skins were so thick they were sort of immune
  12. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    The little prince yawned. He was regretting his lost sunset. And then, too, he was already beginning to be a little bored.

    "I have nothing more to do here," he said to the king. "So I shall set out on my way again."

    "Do not go," said the king, who was very proud of having a subject. "Do not go. I will make you a Minister!"

    "Minister of what?"

    "Minster of-- of Justice!"

    "But there is nobody here to judge!"

    "We do not know that," the king said to him. "I have not yet made a complete tour of my kingdom. I am very old. There is no room here for a carriage. And it tires me to walk."

    "Oh, but I have looked already!" said the little prince, turning around to give one more glance to the other side of the planet. On that side, as on this, there was nobody at all...

    "Then you shall judge yourself," the king answered. "that is the most difficult thing of all. It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others. If you succeed in judging yourself rightly, then you are indeed a man of true wisdom."
  13. abigail48

    abigail48 New Member

    the good part is that if you can talk your produce provider into organic watermelon, you can juice the skins too
  14. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    Juicing is not that good of a practice. If you leave out the fiber, all you're consuming is sugar.
  15. abigail48

    abigail48 New Member

    no, fruits aa7 vegetables have a miriad of diease fighting & health causing chemicals. if organic, of course, consuming a miriad of pesticides will negate that a bunch
  16. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

  17. June-

    June- New Member

    Completely unbiased of course, having been done by californians. ;)

    Seriously, i dont care to be stereotyped any more than the next person.
  18. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    I don't know one person who is 100% unbiased towards others or doesn't stereotype in the least bit. I know we all say it's despicable and we'd NEVER engage in stereotyping but the reality is very different. I think it's just the degrees that vary; some engage more than others but I'm convinced that we're all biased when it comes to race, color, creed, flag, socio-economic status, level of education, looks, etc.
  19. June-

    June- New Member

    I still don't like it anymore than the next person. ;)
  20. Intrepid

    Intrepid New Member

    No doubt. Nobody likes being at the receiving end of not-so-nice-stuff.

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