Marijuana and Menieres- YAY

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by SouthernCarrie, Jun 17, 2010.

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  1. SouthernCarrie

    SouthernCarrie USAF vet and yankee living in the south

    :-*I am doing this just because I am bored. Sorry. I don't think I could possibly find enough time in my life to even read all the posts to Caribbean's topic. I just love it. I wish I had time to see how everyone responded. I can just imagine the responses to that one. Having been military I never smoked the stuff but my husband says it would probably help me. I am not sure what he meant by that but it had nothing to do with Menieres. Someone once told me that everything God created, He created to solve a problem. Hence, this is a plant God made and not man. Most of the other illegal drugs are man made, not really good for you. Signing off for now. Menieres people are great. :)
  2. dizzysheba01

    dizzysheba01 New Member

    Not all things natural are good for us Carrie!!! Poison Ivy!!!
  3. burd

    burd New Member

    It's worth reading Carrie. Besides the fun, it is packed with significant information about the tests and trials and facts about cannibas within the realm of medical science.

    Very true Dizzysheba, but so sad when something that can be so beneficial medically and a valid recreational relaxant as much as any mixed drink could be is not utilized due to being stigmatized by the moral majority that have their biased shorts in a wedgy.
  4. dolfan

    dolfan Active Member

    This subject in my opinion does not get enough air time on this radio station. I'm on week seven of using cannibas as my primary treatment for MM. I agree with burd, the stigma is hard to shake. Older people who have no experience are not going to go through the trouble of trying to make pot a viable tool in treating MM. I also agree with dizzysheba, it's dangerous if not used properly. Overdosing on weed is scary, to say the least. But the fact is, it helps big time and my advise to anybody who is suffering is to network with somebody who can provide you with what you need. No contacts?....start with your waiter in a restaurant...anybody in construction...anybody who's working life suck's beyond the norm smokes pot. Just start asking around for your own well being. I promise it will be worth your while.
  5. SouthernCarrie

    SouthernCarrie USAF vet and yankee living in the south

    Well, dizzysheba, this post was more a joke than serious. But you bring up a good point. I don't think God created Poison Ivy for us to eat. Just as he probably didn't create weed to be used and laced with narcotics for addicts. Common sense does step in at some time. God created the Salt Water in the ocean but that doesn't mean I am going to drink it. Do I think someone would go to hell if they smoked marijuana? I guess you will have to ask Jesus when you die - if you believe in Jesus. I don't judge anyone who does smoke it even though I wouldn't. It has been proven for medicinal purposes when pure. Many pharmaceutical companies use plants to produce many of the medicines we take today. So I guess when I get the time, I will read caribbeans hot topics.
  6. MrMan

    MrMan New Member

    I'm in hell because I don't smoke marijuana.
  7. SouthernCarrie

    SouthernCarrie USAF vet and yankee living in the south

    MrMan: I am so sorry to hear about your situation, being in hell and all. As far as I know, my husband hasn't smoked the stuff in years but still swears it does more good than bad. I just don't have an opinion on that because I never tried it. I smelled it once though. I wouldn't recommend doing what dolfan suggested like asking your waiter or a construction worker. You might actually end up in a joint rather than getting to smoke a joint. Dolfan, I sure hope you were kidding.
  8. studio34

    studio34 Guest

    Not all things natural are good for us Carrie!!! Poison Ivy!!!

    And then there's heroin, made from poppies, cocaine which comes from the coca plant, ricin which comes from castor beans, and snake venom ...

  9. jim1884again

    jim1884again advocating baldness be recognized as a disability

    been around it, used it (a long time ago), and studied it for years (since 1967!)
    will it likely help MM symptoms? for lots of folks, yes
    is it harmless? no, but if you use it in moderation and find a vaporizer to inhale it, it is less harmful than smoking it the old fashioned way
    should you try it? personal decision, but if I lived in a state that had medical marijuana (my son got his medical marijuana license his first month in Colorado--all he had to do was show the MD his records from a neurologist indicating he has cluster headaches), I would get a license and smoke it on occasion--for me, it wouldn't just be for MM symptoms
    and like Burd says, lots of good info here about cannabis and MM--read if you get a chance
    happy (smoke filled) trails
  10. Seadog

    Seadog Ambidextrous dumb-ass with out coffee

  11. June-

    June- New Member

    hemlock like socrates drank, amanita mushrooms - oh so pretty and deadly
  12. burd

    burd New Member

    ...arsenic and bella donna....
  13. vikx

    vikx New Member

    Morbid thoughts. Personally, I can't smoke mj but COOKIES sound good...There are many helpful remedies that are not recognized medications. I've often been frustrated with the suffering folks have to go thru because they "might" become an addict. This is on their death bed and the pain was unbearable. What's wrong with an overdose? I believe that anything that works for us is better than doing nothing-some docs are recommending that. "There's nothing more I can do" or "At least it's only MM" Grrrr. VK
  14. burd

    burd New Member

    The benefits from using an extract made in butter or alcohol will stick with a person longer than smoking it.  You don't get the sudden high, its a mellower approach.  Just putting the dried leaf in baked goods isn't effective because not enough of the active agent gets in your system to give much relief before it passes on through.
  15. SouthernCarrie

    SouthernCarrie USAF vet and yankee living in the south

    I guess I will try to prove my statement alittle further. Not trying to persuade anyone to assume my spiritual belief system, I am just researching for educational purposes. Scott I read what you posted. When I said everything God created, He created to solve a problem, I believe it is true. Not everything God created was for Human consumption but it had a purpose. You named several plants but man manipulated them into other forms and then they were not used for their intended purpose. The sea's salt water is not for human consumption but it sustains life in the sea for plants and animals. I even found beneficial qualities to poison ivy/oak/sumac during a simple google search. Socrates was forced to drink hemlock so they all knew it was poisonous way back then. He didn't drink it willingly. Anyway, this could go on and on. I am sure we can google any poison, plant or dangerous thing and find a greater purpose for it (nitroglycerin/St Johns Wort). This has been fun people. I love the differing opinions. For those who smoke weed, I hope you have a great weekend. Carrie
  16. Sunrise

    Sunrise New Member

    Just a comment about the whole poppys and heroin etc comments

    To make heroin or cocaine, takes an alteration of the plant to achieve along with other ingredients. Pot you plant it, grow it, pull it up, dry it, smoke it. I feel that alone qualifies as a HUGE difference.
  17. SouthernCarrie

    SouthernCarrie USAF vet and yankee living in the south

    my point exactly, sunrise
  18. Ifishdizzy

    Ifishdizzy New Member

    I'm working on an entire article discussing the use of Medical Cannabis with Meniere's Disease, and do hope to have it completed in the next few days. It covers the methodology of use, some ideas on how the Cannabis assists the Meniere's patient, and also some in-depth info on specific strains that have shown themselves to be better than others when treating Meniere's symptoms.

    I've been an authorized patient in my state since 2007, and have used medical cannabis pretty much on a daily basis since June 2006. I am also the Admin of the largest, state specific medical cannabis site in the US, and have helped many hundreds of authorized patients begin their journey of growing their own medicine. I have also done extensive research on individual strains, and the medicinal properties they represent (ie: what works, and what doesn't, and stains that can actually cause you more issues than needed).

    I am a firm believer that patients need to educate themselves by reading whatever they can find that relates to vestibular diseases and cannabis. There is much to learn, and, no offense to those here, but if you are looking for consistent, long term relief from the use of medicinal cannabis, there's a hellofa lot more to it than just grabbing a baggie off the street and toking up.

    One suggestion I will submit here: If you do not like anxiety, then avoid the strains that are Sativa's (or Sativa dominant crosses), and seek out the ones that are mostly Indica's (or Indica dominant crosses). If you don't know the difference, please feel free to ask. Not all cannabis strains are the same, and the effects of each can vary greatly. Use the right strain/amt. and you'll get some relief.

    Please, keep in mind that the use of Medical Cannabis is still illegal in 34 states, and you can get arrested or ticketed for breaking the law. USE COMMON SENSE, and be safe.

  19. studio34

    studio34 Guest

    To make heroin or cocaine, takes an alteration of the plant to achieve along with other ingredients. Pot you plant it, grow it, pull it up, dry it, smoke it. I feel that alone qualifies as a HUGE difference.

    See this photo? This is the unadulterated latex that leaks out of immature poppy seed pods (Papaver somniferum) and dries to a sticky brown residue otherwise known as opium -- a stimulant narcotic. Opium contains up to 12% morphine, an opiate alkaloid, and codeine and other non-narcotic alkaloids. Smoke it and you fly to pluto and back. No processing needed except letting it dry in the warm sun.


  20. Funshine

    Funshine New Member

    Jim does medical mj help your son's cluster migraines?? My son suffers from the same thing ad he went through some really tough years with them.

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