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List of conventional treatments

  • The Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) currently have a program specializing in grants financing further research into Meniere's Disease, so they're an organization worth following...

    Their mission is to prevent and cure hearing loss and tinnitus through groundbreaking research and to promote hearing health. HHF is the largest non-profit funder of hearing and balance research in the U.S. and a leader in driving new innovations and treatments for people with hearing loss, tinnitus, and other hearing disorders.

    Their list of conventional treatments is the most up to date one I've found so I'm listing it in our database for easy reference. They currently list the following (click through below for detailed list):
    • Medical Therapy
    • intratympanic steroids
    • Meniett Device
    • Endolymphatic sac surgery
    • intratympanic gentamicin
    • vestibular nerve section
    • Labyrinthectomy
    (If there are additional conventional treatments not listed here, please post in the discussion thread (see discussion tab) and let us know)

    A cure for Ménière's disease does not yet exist, but lifestyle modifications and treatments have been found to help patients. Symptoms are sometimes lessened in patients by reducing the body’s retention of fluids through dietary changes (e.g. eliminating or reducing salt, caffeine and/or alcohol). Medications such as antihistamines, anticholinergics, and diuretics may lower endolymphatic pressure by reducing the amount of endolymphatic fluid. Eliminating tobacco use and reducing stress levels may also help some patients.

    More: What is Ménière's Disease? - Symptoms | Treatments | Statistics
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