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TMJ causing your Meniere's?

Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by BT1, Apr 21, 2021.

  1. BT1

    BT1 New Member

    Dec 17, 2020
    Hi Everyone! Wanted to start a post to see how many others have TMJ issues to go along with their MD.

    I mentioned my story last year, read it here to get the full story... 10+years of Tinnitus and Meniere's

    Like many of us I go back and forth trying to figure out what caused my MD. Obviously there are DOZENS of possibilities, but the one that always seems to be top of mind is my TMJ disorder.

    Shortly after my first my MD attack (2009), I began to experience jaw clicking, crunching and Tinnitus all within a week or two. Since that time I also began to notice that I grind my teeth, especially at night.

    So now I'm back to "TMJ is causing my Tinnitus and MD symptoms"
    -Is the jaw inflamed causing a circulation issue?
    -Is the jaw affecting the eustachian tube function and causing a drainage issue?
    -Is the the TMJ pressing against the ear causing the Tinnitus?

    These are all potential causes in my mind.
    Im assuming the grinding is the culprit. So what causes the grinding? poor sleep habits? stress? caffeine, nervous system issues?

    Perhaps all of the above causes the grinding. So now I'm back to wearing a basic night guard, along with TMJ massage, and neck and ear stretches to help with my tinnitus.

    Is it as simple as Grinding=TMJD=Tinnitus+MD?

    Anyone else have TMJ issues relating to their MD? Ive seen a couple posts on here mentioning TMJ but would love to hear from other TMJ sufferers. Thanks in advance!
  2. dwaynehoover

    dwaynehoover Member

    May 13, 2014
    I haven't had any problems in 3 years after 10 bad years. I took antivirals at high dose then gradually down to 1/4 of a famciclovir per day. BUT THE WHOLE 3 YEARS THAT I AM WELL I HAVE USED MY SIMPLE PLASTIC BITE GUARD TO PREVENT GRINDING. It works, I no longer grind as I always have. You dont have to call it TMJ I believe. You dont need a TMJ specialist rippoff doctor and those things are uncomfortable. My theory is just get a plastic guard at your dentists office or from ebay custom made like I used "my teeth store". Easy way out perhaps.
  3. BT1

    BT1 New Member

    Dec 17, 2020
    Thank you for your response. When you say you "haven't had any problems" are you referring to MD/Vertigo issues, or Tinnitus issues? or ALL of it?
    When I went to a TMJ dentist in 2019, their suggestion was a night guard at a total cost of $1400 including follow-ups. I wasn't prepared to spend that at the time, especially not knowing how much it would actually help. I'm currently using a simple $20 night guard you can grab at any pharmacy. I just need to remember to use it everyday.
    So you use the mouth guard daily? Along with the antivirals and you now have 0 symptoms? Thanks in advance.
  4. dwaynehoover

    dwaynehoover Member

    May 13, 2014
    No dizziness ,fluctuation of hearing or fullness. I had 10 years of trouble , lost hearing and permanent tinnitus which is ok with me. My tinnitus now is much more bearable than when I was sick with Menieres.
  5. dwaynehoover

    dwaynehoover Member

    May 13, 2014
    The guards in pharmacy are a mistake. For about $75 you can get custom made guard on ebay. I use "my teeth store" on ebay.
  6. Robert S

    Robert S Member

    Jun 12, 2021
    Los Angeles
    I’m so new to all of this I’m honestly overwhelmed, but your post below, BT1, is exactly my experience. I come to posting here after seeing my ENT last week and being handed a brochure about Meniere’s Disease.

    Here’s the short story: Back in March, 2020 I almost certainly had covid (not tested) and I was really sick for many weeks. As I got better by summer, I noticed my jaw was not working the same…crunchy noises, pops, and at times even difficult to open all the way while eating or it would pop. I have a night guard so I started wearing it again, but my jaw is still not right.

    By fall, 2020, the sound in my right ear was less and not of the same quality as my left. I went to the ENT, and he ordered Brain & Inner Ear Canal MRIs & a hearing test.As expected, I have hearing loss in my right ear and the MRIs showed a couple of mini strokes.

    I still have this pressure in my ears as I write this and it seems to not go away completely after trying all sorts of allergy meds from my allergist.

    Thankfully, I have never had dizziness or a vertigo attack yet, but my ears are stuffed up all the time over the last two months and the tinnitus started off an on as well. My ENT said, “you have 2 out of 3 symptoms for MD and we’ve tried to alleviate the pressure in your ears with antibiotics & prednisone.”

    It makes me wonder if all of this started because of my jaw problems.

    Not sure what to do next…

  7. MikeinJPN

    MikeinJPN New Member

    Jul 25, 2021
    I definitely have a problem with my jaw alignment. I was supposed to undergo a fairly big process to fix everything when I was a kid but we never did anything. I have been able to pop my jaw for my whole life basically. I never really knew it was something that was abnormal.
    I also have it high up on my list of “possible causes”
  8. Bulldogs

    Bulldogs Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2014
    For what it’s worth…..i too grind my teeth according to my dentist and when I got my laby I also got fitted for a mouth guard by my dentist to help prevent teeth grinding at night. When he fitted me he said I had TMJ from the constant grinding.

    10 years later after using the mouth guard and also a CPAP machine at night I sleep like an absolute baby and have no issues with roaring tinnitus.

    I love my mouth guard

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