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John of Ohio

JOH (John of Ohio) Regimen for Meniere's Disease details

  1. arcticblueice

    arcticblueice Member

    Aug 12, 2018
    My hearing was severely damaged with each vertigo episode. I haven’t had any vertigo since 2019 but my hearing has not really improved.
  2. Isaiah 40:31

    Isaiah 40:31 Member

    Feb 10, 2023
    When I was diagnosed w/ MD, my ENT told me I would lose my hearing over a period of 10 years. I kind of poo pooed him at the time, but it's been 8 yrs since onset, & I'm almost completely deaf in my MD ear now. I found the process has been gradual & not really related to my vertigo attacks (haven't had any serious ones since 10/2022). I did notice hearing decline after my tinnitus flare ups (i.e. it would get louder) for a few days or weeks. Now I just have chronic tinnitus & liek @jose suarez, it only gets worse if I eat something that's very salty. I've also noticed it get worse when I consume caffeine either in the form of dark chocolate or a caffeinated drink. Since my hearing is gone, I'm not as concerned about the tinnitus increasing as I used to be, but it is still annoying.
  3. tek465b

    tek465b Member

    Feb 27, 2022
    Had slight hearing loss at the very beginning with ear pressure and tinnitus.
    Vertigo attack and dizzyness came later.

    Kept most of my hearing for a good 10 years, but the past few years it went down fast, i lost most of it on my meniere ear kinda quickly.
  4. Symphony88

    Symphony88 New Member

    Oct 22, 2022
    I am currently on acyclovir and lysine and am seeing improvements but one of my worse symptoms is fluid accumulation in the tissues with constant mucus production. I went to a pulmonologist and he does not think that I have an infection but he wants to do a pulmonary test and chest xray to rule anything out. I am thinking about taking betahistine or gingko biloba. Do anyone else have this experience.
  5. Isaiah 40:31

    Isaiah 40:31 Member

    Feb 10, 2023
    I'm sorry to know that your hearing loss snowballed at the end @tek456b. I guess slow, continuous hearing loss at least gives a person time to adjust where a faster rate of hearing loss really doesn't. Either way, it's no fun. I will say that I'm so thankful I still have one ear that works. I'm not sure how quickly my husband & I could learn ASL at our ages!
  6. Jon Owens

    Jon Owens New Member

    May 25, 2023
    I count my blessings everyday, knowing the menieres ive had is doing better. thanks to all the help on here. Ive been on the JOH a few months and im starting to use the anti-inflammatories, an have cut out all the foods that cause it, dairy eggs, gluten etc. it has only been a week so far, and Im a little better, more stable. I used to have the vertigo/ heavy vomiting, every 2 /3 weeks. Heavy tinnitus and dizziness has improved some. I use a lot of cayenne pepper also, I think it helps the supplements get where they need to, opens up the bloodways. Im going to try cats claw soon also maybe vinpocetine also. Godbless.
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  7. Good Listener

    Good Listener New Member

    May 29, 2023
    So "real" vertigo finally presented yesterday, about 3 weeks into starting the regimen, and it lasted for about two hours. That's a first in the 18 months or so I've suffered from the MM-like symptoms which have mostly been the temporary hearing loss and fullness. I began a prednisone pack. I have an MRI scheduled and a new audiology work up in the next couple weeks. Upon going back to my ENT, I was told that there were a couple anti-virals available that we could try, and I'm tempted. I also thought that was a good sign that the notion of viral contribution was being considered. When I asked him about HSV and Epstein-Barr, I was told the establishment no longer think it's either of those two (but there was some interest in it for while), but they seem to think there is a virus responsible that they haven't been able to identify. Apparently, more connections with allergy and MM are showing up in recent papers, I was also told.

    I have not noticed any response to the regimen thus far, but wasn't expecting to so early. But at least I'm not reacting poorly to anything, especially the Vinpocetine, which has been getting 20mg a day with no effect in heart rate. I will persist, hoping for a result.
  8. Martin11

    Martin11 New Member

    May 1, 2023
    I have been on John of Ohio’s regime for just over a week now and I am hoping the feeling of imbalance goes, don’t get vomiting or serious attacks like I used to, now it’s drop attacks and general unbalance with headaches
  9. Eric Greenwood

    Eric Greenwood New Member

    Jun 24, 2023
    Hi Hohn,
    I am having trouble downloading your Regimen, any ideas why? Eric
  10. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
  11. Eric Greenwood

    Eric Greenwood New Member

    Jun 24, 2023
    Hi John, finally managed to download, will read with interest. Hopefully I will get similar successful results to other members. I will post my results in due course. For your interest I am Australian. Kind regards, Eric .
  12. kittyvaughn

    kittyvaughn New Member

    Jul 16, 2023
    Is there a certain place, that's trustworthy and the vitamins are pure, I could get all these vitamins recommended in this article?
  13. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    I purchase vitamins, minerals, and supplements from Vitacost. (vitacost.com). High quality, low prices.

    --John of Ohio
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  14. labosc

    labosc New Member

    Jul 18, 2023
    Yes I also purchase Vitamins and herbs from Vitacost do you recommend any particular brand for Lysine?
  15. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Vitacost's own brand of lysine is very good; the one I use.

    --John of Ohio
  16. labosc

    labosc New Member

    Jul 18, 2023
    Ok thank you
  17. MonicaHanlin

    MonicaHanlin New Member

    Jul 23, 2023
    Portland, Oregon
  18. MonicaHanlin

    MonicaHanlin New Member

    Jul 23, 2023
    Portland, Oregon
    Hi John! I have three questions about your regimen, which I just started, yay!

    1) In your PDF under "Starting the Regimen" you mention taking "nine" components. I see the 7 listed. Can you tell me the other 2 or is that an old number based on when you used to take other things in addition to the 7 listed?
    2) Do you also take a diuretic with those 7 items or did you eventually eliminate the diuretic (or Betahistine) from your regimen? Betahistine didn't do squat for me, so I'm changing to a diuretic in a week.
    3) If I can get some VertigoHeel from a good source on Ebay, etc. (I'm in the US), would that be in addition to your 7 items?

    Thank you SO MUCH for all you do in helping us! I am so incredibly grateful!
    Sincerely, Monica
  19. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    The most recent listing of the regimen has only 7 components. The "9" was from an earlier edition. Two older, no-longer-used components have been deleted. The regimen still works well without them.

    The regimen never included any diuretics. Those are prescription drugs and commonly prescribed by physicians to treat Meniere's, on the poorly-supported supposition that causing the kidney to excrete water (the function of diuretics) will somehow reduce the fluids that build up on the inner ear. No evidence that this actually works.

    Lemon bioflavonoid has become difficult to acquire, so it's no longer recommended in the regimen. No need to go out of the way to acquire it. The regimen without lemon bioflavonoids has proven to work well. The most important, essential element of the regimen is the lysine, as it stops the replication of the viruses that cause the inflammation in the inner ear that cause Meniere's symptoms.

    --John of Ohio
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  20. MonicaHanlin

    MonicaHanlin New Member

    Jul 23, 2023
    Portland, Oregon
    Thank you John! And fyi I just got the Lemon bioflavonoid from Nutrition Express, where you suggested we go. You're awesome - thank you!

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