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John of Ohio

JOH (John of Ohio) Regimen for Meniere's Disease details

  1. Good Listener

    Good Listener New Member

    May 29, 2023
    Thanks for the update, John. I'm also finding the Lemon Bioflavonoid complex just fine at nutritionexpress.com.

    I have a question about the timing of taking Lysine, because I'm finding that sometimes there isn't enough time to take the lysine on a fully-emptied stomach at night before bed. It would be a lot more convenient to simply take the lysine 30 minutes or so BEFORE each meal. Do you think this is a less effective method?

    One of the problems is that I prioritize getting 8 hours of sleep a night and I also drink a sleep beverage to help me fall and stay asleep, and this uses a little bit of milk. I'm wary of putting any food in the way of the lysine out of concern for the the reasons you have laid out. But sometimes dinner finishing and sleep starting is right around the minimum 2 hour mark and I'm finding it less than ideal to stay awake in order to clear the stomach for lysine.
  2. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Taking the lysine at least 20 minutes before a meal works. It gets through the stomach in 20 minutes and into the small intestine where it is absorbed, without any other amino acids. Take lysine at least 20 minutes before a meal, or at least 2hrs after a meal; to keep it separated from the amino acids in foods.

    --John of Ohio
  3. Good Listener

    Good Listener New Member

    May 29, 2023
    Great, this'll help me out. Thank you.
  4. Taylor

    Taylor New Member

    Jul 25, 2023
    Hi! I've been on JOH for 10+ months. No side effects except vinpocetine which increases the frequency of dizziness and brain fog. I still take 4500mg Lysine daily. Things were better at first, but not sure if it was the medication, JOH or acupuncture. Sure some vertigo here and there, but no rotational vertigo.

    However, for the past 3 months, Ménière seems to be back: I always feel on the edge of a vertigo episode, frequent short rotational vertigo attack (5-10 seconds), and severe hearing loss in one ear combined with much-much higher tinnitus and severe ear fulness.

    3 questions:
    a) Anyone else experiences short vertigo attacks?
    b) After 10 months, is if worth keep trying JOH?
    c) or should I see JOH but stop Lysine and try Olive Leaf Extract?

    PS: Vestibular therapy helped me a lot at staying functional despite vertigo (for light oand moderate episodes)
  5. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Stopping the lysine in my regimen will terminate the ability to stop the replication and inflammatory activity of herpes viruses in the inner ear --- the probable cause of about 85% of Meniere's cases.

    Make certain that you are taking the lysine at least 20 minutes before eating anything, or at least 2 hours after eating anything. If taken with food the lysine gets mixed with other amino acids in foods and the body is not able to use it exclusively to bind to the enzymes required for herpes virus replication.

    --John of Ohio
  6. Taylor

    Taylor New Member

    Jul 25, 2023
    Hi JOH,

    I wait 20-30 minutes before eating, and 2+ hours after a meal. My question is more "is lysine working for me after 10 months of regimens? If not, should I consider Olive Leaf extract instead" (based on one of your old post here #35, where you recommend not to take the two in the same treatment).

  7. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    I have a number of reports from regimen users that they didn't get good results until after several months. You are at 10 months, so if it is to work it's going to take longer.

    You are welcome to delete the lysine and try olive leaf extract. But if symptoms get worse, I'd get back on the lysine.

    If you aren't, for either, you should also be taking 5000IU of vitamin D-3. That supports the immune system; can help knock down the viruses causing Meniere's. But vitamin D works best with adequate magnesium, so you can add a magnesium supplement (I like magnesium glycinate). I also take vitamin K-2, which tends to keep calcium out of blood vessels, while also supporting vitamin D's involvement in the immune system.

    --John of Ohio
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  8. Taylor

    Taylor New Member

    Jul 25, 2023
    Yes for magnesium glycinate (1000mg/day). For vitamin D, I limit it to 3000UI as there are cases of hypercalcemia in the family. I was taking Gingko biloba with lysine in the morning, and will take it at a different time to make sure lysine isn't taken with anything else. I'm trying, when possible, to wait 30 mins (instead of 20) before taking food, and 2.5h to 3h after a big meal before taking lysine
  9. Martyy

    Martyy New Member

    Jul 24, 2023
    Hi John, first of all thanks for all your efforts. Really much appreciated! Your input and information is helping me a lot ad gives me hope in these terrible times.

    I am going to start with the JOH regimen (I already take: vitamine D3 5000UI, magnesium, Coq10 300mg and vitamine B complex) next week and therefore I have a few questions:
    * I can get Vertigoheel easily in Netherlands (just an OTC product). Is it of added value to take it as addition to the JOH list (I know it has been deleted from the original list since it was hard to get in the US)?
    *I already take CBD capsules (10mg 2x per day). Is it okay to take this together with the JOH supplements?
    *Good chance I will get dexamethasone injections in my middle in about 6 weeks (hopefully it is not necessary anymore). Do I need to stop with the regimen? Or can I do it both next to each other?

    Many thanks and greetings from the Netherlands!
  10. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    If you can acquire Vertigoheel, give it a try. Can cause no harm; has helped many. I have no experience or helpful knowledge of CBD or any cannabis product. I don't see no reason any of them would be problematic with the regimen. Try and see.
    Nor do I have any useful knowledge of dexamethasone and how that might interact with any regimen components. Offhand, I can see no conflict. You can check with a medical professional.
    --John of Ohio
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Martyy

    Martyy New Member

    Jul 24, 2023
    Thanks John, much appreciated!!
  12. Grenadineflaps

    Grenadineflaps New Member

    Aug 10, 2023
    Hi John, I’m Jason. I’m 37 and I live in Orange CA. I was diagnosed Meniere's Nov. 2021. I’ve been researching your regimen and plan to start tomorrow. I also wanted to thank you in advance for the work you do. I really appreciate you! I will keep you posted with significant findings. What are your thoughts about starting this regimen while taking Betahistine (16 mg 2x daily; AKA Serc) and triamteren-hydrochlorothiaz (37.5 mg, 1x daily). Those meds, along with a drastic change in diet (no alcohol, limited coffee and sodium, and LOTS of exercise) have saved my life and has allowed me to function at work.

    I still have daily tinnitus (volume 2-3 out of 10), brain fog, slight dizzy spills once a day (and very quick), and occasional ear fullness. I haven't had a vertigo attack since I've changed my diet/exercise. I think alcohol was the biggest issue but i haven't touched it since Feb 2022. I know you're not a medical professional but i'm wondering if you've done any research on those meds having negative interaction with your regimen?

    Also, has there been any success stories reported to you recently, and is there any updates to your regimen?
    • Like Like x 1
  13. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    The regimen components do not in any way conflict with prescribed drugs; or vice versa. Continue with both.

    I have a compendium of over 200 users of the regimen, telling their successes or failures with the regimen. About an 85% success rate; which leads me to believe that a herpes infection of the inner ear is the cause of about 85% of Meniere's cases. But I no longer solicit or receive user reports. The evidence is now sufficient.

    The regimen was updated a few years ago, with the deletion of lemon bioflavonoid; it was difficult to purchase. Without it, the regimen continues to bring success.

    --John of Ohio
  14. Grenadineflaps

    Grenadineflaps New Member

    Aug 10, 2023
    Considering it may be herpes, does that mean it's contagious? And what are your thoughts about the other 15% of Meniere's cases? I was a HEAVY, daily drinker. I'd like to blame the abuse but maybe it's unrelated.

    Lastly, do you welcome updates about using the regimen? If so, is this forum the best place to do that?
  15. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    Well, all of the herpes viruses (there are many) are "contagious," can be spread to new persons. The greater question is not are the viruses that cause Meniere's disease contagious but when exposed to the viruses can one's immune system fight it off before it infects?

    The other 15%, not caused or involved with viruses? Misalignments of vertebrae (neck bones) and non-viral disruptions of blood circulation in the inner ear could be causes.

    Of course, the posting of results from regimen users on this message board is useful. First-hand accounts are always read with interest. But when they appear, I no longer copy and archive them in my files. Have enough already (>220).

    --John of Ohio
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  16. Grenadineflaps

    Grenadineflaps New Member

    Aug 10, 2023
    Interesting. I'm still lost about how and why it's herpes and not something else as the root cause. Do you have any links or articles or even titles I can look into. I found "herpes zoster oticus" when searching "inner ear herpes". I know very little about viral infections, so forgive me on that. However, I would love to look into where your theory derived from. Ear has been a little quieter today...maybe its the calm before the storm lol
  17. John of Ohio

    John of Ohio Active Member

    May 17, 2014
    My theory on the origin/cause of Meniere's symptoms derived from my experiences with the disease, and how their occurrence seemed to parallel the occurrence of cold sores and herpes viruses. As a biologist I understood that lysine is able to disable a number of enzymes required for the replication of herpes viruses. Simply, many have found relief from cold sores and herpes viruses by taking lysine. So, over a several year period of time, I experimented with lysine. Once I perfected the dosing regimen (taken with no food, etc.), and persisted long enough; several weeks to several months, I got relief.

    I also experimented with the other components of the regimen, which provide adjunct support to the inner ear and the immune system. The combination works for about 85% of Meniere's cases. For those it doesn't work for, other factors cause the symptoms, which lysine cannot address (cervical misalignments, etc.).

    A Dr. Gracek and other physicians have started prescribing antiherpetic drugs for Meniere's, with great success. Still not widely accepted in the medical community is the notion that herpetic infections of the inner ear, the inflammation they cause there, actually cause most Meniere's symptoms. But the successes with both my lysine-based regimen and the use of antiherpetic drugs (acyclovir, et al.) are beginning to change medical minds.

    Do a web search of "cold sores, lysine." Much emerging data and information.

    --John of Ohio
    • Informative Informative x 1
  18. Grenadineflaps

    Grenadineflaps New Member

    Aug 10, 2023
    Interesting....thanks I will look into it. Another note. My Meniere's affected ear is on the same side as my clicking jaw. I've never been diagnosed with TMJ, however, I've had a clicking, and tender jaw since I was really young. Last year, an orthodontist gave me a mouth guard to wear at night because I i grind my teeth. That immediately resolved daily tension headaches and improved sleep. I was hopeful it would resolve the Meniere's but it's been over a year with the mouth guard, and same sxs. TMJ treatment, and upper cervical adjustmentd, will be the next area I address if the supplements dont give me some relief.
  19. JanieJiffy

    JanieJiffy Member

    Apr 30, 2023
    ANYONE with Meniere's should check out the possibility of a neck problem. I have been thrown into vertigo from biting down on something crunchy, having my neck too long in a forward position, and swimming too long in a neck-extended position. Even sometimes just turning over in bed to the left.

    I also have intermittent tingling in my tongue and on the left side of my face, and in my lower legs, and fullness in my left ear that comes and goes.

    Dietary salt restriction has no effect for me.

    I am about to try a nerve ablation between 2 arthritic discs in my cervical spine. The surgeon is x-ray guided to the location and supposedly the ablation could calm the nerve for up to 6 months.

    I have never had neck pain.

    I am hoping this will work, because I know my neck (and general bodily inflammation from allergies and food intolerances) is at the root of this problem in my own case, and surely, for some others.
  20. Mark55

    Mark55 Active Member

    Feb 23, 2020
    Washoe Valley, Nevada
    Hey John,
    I am curious if most that have had success with your program were tested for the HSV viruses. After the Meniere's chaos started, I went to the doc and got blood work for the above, as well as some food allergy tests.
    I came back positive HSV and a few food items were mid range allergic such as peanuts. That said, I recently found out that my deceased father had Meniere's. Just curious how many have tested positive and got results with your program vs those not testing positive. I currently am in the SPI-1005 phase 3 drug trial. Also, I have taken phenytoin since 2000'. I want to try antivirals but unfortunately everything has a negative reaction to phenytoin. Might be making a change after this trial.
    Thanks for all you do on here! Have a blessed day.

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